Indonesia is one of the largest archipelago in the world, consisting of thousands islands spread from Sabang to Merauke. The rapid development of technology and the demands of supplying the needs of the greater resources resulting in air transport is very important for national development. With the construction of air transportation, the DCP as one of the leading steel contractor in Indonesia participated donate some contribution in the provision of international airports scattered across Indonesia, including Bali’s Ngurah Rai International Airport, Sepinggan International airport, Kualanamu International Airport Medan, and Lombok International Airport. This time, DCP trusted to handle the steel roof truss construction Terminal 2 (T2) Surabaya Juanda International Airport. Juanda International Airport is the second largest and busiest airport in Indonesia after Soekarno-Hatta International Airport Jakarta. Has the experience and reputation in the construction of curved steel structure makes DCP trusted to handle roof frame structure Juanda International Airport. The workmanship steel roof truss structure Juanda International Airport with a total tonnage of about 2,000 tons dominated by curved pipe, DCP as sole steel industry in Indonesia with factory equipped with CNC machines are able to bend steel 22 inch maximum diameter. Department of Engineering Design DCP supported the use of the concept of Integrated Digital Design 5D (3D models, phase time line, estimation) by integrating SAP Software 2000 Stage Construction for the simulation phase of the Erection and Respond Stress & Deformation Structure, Tekla Structure for 3D modeling as Digital Prototyping and Model Shop Drawing as a medium in the process of realizing this design Juanda International Airport. In cooperation with PT. Waskita Karya, DCP can be proud of themselves by obtaining a certificate of appreciation ZERO ACCIDENT who has reached 105.405 hours commencing from November 2012 until April 2013.

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Info Perusahaan

PT. Dutacipta Pakarperkasa

Jawa Timur
Detail Perusahaan
  • Jawa Barat, Kab. Karawang
  • Jawa Barat, Kota Bandung
  • Jawa Barat, Kab. Karawang
  • DKI Jakarta, Kota Jakarta Timur