Jakarta - The Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Rini M. Soemarno explains the growth that Indonesia successfully reach during the leadership of President Joko Widodo in front of foreign investors when she was in Zurich, Switzerland.
Rini explains Indonesian economics condition looking from International Rating Institutes such as Moody’s, S&P Global and Fitch rating. Those institutes states Indonesia as the main country for investment purposes. Moreover, balance of trade shows positivity as the inflassion has been successfully controlled in these three years.
“Indonesia has grown so fast. According to WEF Indonesia is on the 36 from 137 countries in index of global competitive during 2017-2018,” Rini states in front of the audience.
The growth however comes from the infrastructure construction that has been programmed by the Government. Tolls and non-tolls road, power plants and also digital infrastructure are those the catalizators of Indonesian economics growth. 2.650 kilometers non-tolls road and 1.800 kilometers tolls road has been built untill the beginning of 2018.
“At the end of 2014, Indonesia only have 780 kilometers. Now, we target to build 1.800 kilometers tolls road untill 2019. It is doubled from the 69 years of what government achieves.”
Government develops fibrate option from 112.494 kilometers in 2014 to 158.850 kilometers in 2018. Indonesian Government also build 152 thousands BTS to support the telecommunication equity. From what she has been explained, Rini convinced that Indonesia will getting better and better in the future as the infrastructure construction is still in the proccess now.