Soetta Airport Train Travel Time will be Accelerated
Jakarta - Soetta Airort Train is a public transportation which predicted as problem solving for traffic in the road to Soekarno-Hatta Airport. The train however faster the travel time, from 55 minutes now becomes only 38 minutes. The acceleration time makes passangers comfort.
“Airport Train now indeed 55 minutes. It’ll be faster to 38 minutes soon,” said Transportation Minister, Budi Karya Sumadi.
Sumadi also convey that the acceleration is made to increase passenger interest for using a new airport transportation. Beside the travel time acceleration, the waiting time also plans to be reduced.
“We also intensify the departure from Batu Ceper Station to the airport, due to many workers that could be carry by the train so the traffic will reduce significant,” added Sumadi.
Presiden Joko Widodo inaugurated the airport train on January 2nd 2018 and hoping this new mode transportation will become a choice for people who wants to go to the airport. PT Railink as the operator of the train now evaluates the operational, including solution to reduce the travel time. On of the way is by shorten the the stopping time in every transitional stations.
Currently, the airport train contains of 6 trains which can accomodate 272 passenger and 42 times of travel schedule. The train will stop at 3 stations, namely New Sudirman Station (BNI City), Batu Ceper Station and last Soekarno-Hatta Station.